
Meet the Guardian Alexis Mosselmans, Head Bartender at Odette En Ville (°1992)

What is it that you look for in a great tonic? What characteristics does it need to have, for you to like it a lot?

I love it when a tonic is nice and bitter, with lot’s of quinine flavour, a lot of bubbles that also incorporates complexity at the same time.

We’ve asked you to create your perfect serve. What was the process you went through to create it?

I really love the Botanical Tonic so that was my starting point. In my opinion a gin with a lot of citrus flavours really works wonders with the tonic, so I choose the Tanqueray Ten which is complex and smooth. As a garnish I chose some classic juniper berries and some extra freshness with the zeste of grapefruit. I’ve also added some beautiful flowers on top to add some colour and appeal to the drink.

What’s your favourite Erasmus Bond Tonic, and why?

Definitely the Botanical Tonic, that is nicely created. I just love that bitter sweet balance and the complexity with the spiced notes at the end. I’m a big fan of special tonics!